Mission Statement
ARMO is committed to preserving and promoting the automotive restoration industry through its projects, education programs, and by monitoring legislative and/or regulatory issues that may affect our members, thus ensuring the longevity and prosperity of the automotive restoration industry.
About ARMO
What Is ARMO?
ARMO, the Automotive Restoration Market Organization, is a council of the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). Dedicated to addressing the many challenges facing this segment of the aftermarket, ARMO directs its efforts toward preserving and promoting the automotive restoration industry.
Who Makes Up ARMO?
All entities serving the auto restoration hobby, be they manufacturers, distributors, retailers, restorers or car clubs, should be ARMO members. In fact, it is critical that as many companies as possible become involved. Once in ARMO, members work through subcommittees to focus on the legislative, educational and communications needs of its members.
What Are ARMO's Goals?
ARMO's primary goals are to ensure the longevity and prosperity of the automotive restoration industry and to represent a unified voice on behalf of its members. Within this context, the ARMO council will actively support and work with SEMA's legislative staff to address those legislative and/or regulatory issues which may impact the restoration industry; design effective educational and communications programs to keep our members informed of important issues; strive to advance and promote awareness of the restoration hobby; and work toward creating new business opportunities through our ongoing dialogues with original equipment manufacturers.
Why Get Involved?
ARMO's strength and success depends on industry support. Through cooperative action, ARMO-member companies can ensure the viability of the automotive restoration industry.
How Do You Get Involved?
ARMO invites all members of the restoration industry to unite in meeting its critical goals. To become active in ARMO, your company must first be a SEMA member. Join SEMA now. If you are already a SEMA Member, contact Marcy Yanus to get started.
How Much Does It Cost To Join?
ARMO annual dues are $50 for car clubs, $100 for all other SEMA members.