Global Update

Free Lists of Chinese Distributors and Retailers

  SEMA-member manufacturers will receive a list of buyers in advance of the September one-on-one meetings in China.

Sign up now for the SEMA China International Auto Parts Expo (CIAPE) China Business Development Conference taking place in Beijing, China, from September 7–10, 2011.

For one low cost, this package includes:

  • Day-long one-on-one meetings with pre-vetted distributors and retailers.
  • A complete list of confirmed buyers along with contact information, pre-trip.
  • Hotels, meals and in-country transportation to events.
  • Networking events, including dinner at the Great Hall of the People at a gathering of top government and business leaders involved in the automotive industry.
  • VIP access to the CIAPE Show.

For more information contact Linda Spencer at or visit