
Impact the Industry: Choose Your Council and Committee Leaders

  Council and Committee Group
  SEMA council leadership represents groups of SEMA members that share a common business purpose or market segment. The group identifies common business goals, issues and challenges that require a special focus by the association.

On Monday, May 17, balloting opens for the SEMA Select Committee elections. The elections represent your opportunity to guide the direction of your SEMA councils and committees. Each SEMA council member company will receive one e-mail with instructions and links for completing an electronic Select Committee ballot. Only one ballot per company is e-mailed, and only one ballot per company will be recorded.

The e-mail ballot will be addressed to the person listed as your company’s primary council contact in the SEMA membership database. Balloting will remain open through Friday, May 28. If you think that you are the primary council contact and do not receive an e-mail on Monday, May 17, contact your SEMA staff liaison immediately.

Each Select Committee is comprised of a maximum 17 members, elected by the general membership of the respective council. Each Select Committee member may serve a two-year term and, at the discretion of the general membership, may be re-elected every two years until a three-term limit is reached. Those elected onto the Select Committee must understand and accept the responsibilities the seat holds.

Responsibilities of a Select Committee Member

  1. Attend a minimum of 75% (usually two to four) face-to-face Select Committee meetings each year.
  2. Participate in conference calls as requested by the council chairman or the SEMA staff liaison (one teleconference per month unless notified otherwise).
  3. Accept meeting attendance as a non-reimbursable expense (travel and lodging).
  4. Serve on at least one subcommittee/task force of the council.
  5. Represent an industry perspective throughout any decision-making process rather than his/her specific company perspective.

Follow the links below to access the candidates’ bios for each of the councils and committees.