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Who Are Accessorizers?

By SEMA Market Research


In 2021, approximately 54% of accessorizers were under the age of 40. Accessorizers skew young, who are also more likely to be “true enthusiasts.”

Last year was a record year for the specialty-equipment industry, with U.S. retail sales hitting $50.9 billion for the first time. But who are accessorizers? Accessorizers skew young. In 2021, more than half were under 40. Younger accessorizers are more likely to be enthusiasts and tend to make more complex modifications. Accessorizers are also more likely to own pickups, SUVs and sports cars than non-accessorizers. Pickup parts remain big business for our industry and accounted for 31% of retail sales in 2021. Accessorizers are also almost twice as likely to own recreational or offroad equipment as non-accessorizers.


Accessorizers are more likely to own pickups, SUVs and sports cars than non-accessorizers. CUVs tend to be more common among non-accessorizers.


Accessorizers in the United States are almost twice as likely as the rest of the population to own recreational or off-road equipment, especially RVs, ATVs and motorboats.

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