
SEMA Market Research Launches SEMA Pickup Report

By SEMA Editors

sema pickup report
The SEMA Pickup Report includes data collected on how consumers modify their pickups; including what parts they buy, how they shop and how specialty-equipment businesses can connect with them to help sell their products.

SEMA Market Research has launched its latest research report highlighting pickup accessory trends and the consumers who purchase them.

Providing a specialty-equipment market overview for pickups, The SEMA Pickup Report includes data collected on how consumers modify their pickups; including what parts they buy, how they shop and how specialty-equipment businesses can connect with them to help sell their products.

The report includes:

  • Information on parts and accessories that consumers have already purchased or intend to purchase.
  • Which retail channels consumers use to purchase pickup modifications.
  • Where consumers turn for information and ideas about new parts and accessories.
  • Key differences between types of pickup accessorizers and how to market to them.
  • Recommendations for the industry.

The report is free for SEMA members, so get your copy today!