By Jason Catullo
Danica Patrick signs autographs at the 2012 SEMA Show. |
Celebrities and popular personalities from across the specialty-equipment industry will make appearances throughout the week of the 2013 SEMA Show, November 5–8 in Las Vegas. As the largest annual gathering of small businesses in the United States, as well as the hot bed for new parts and equipment from all corners of the industry, booth appearances by recognizable personalities provide buyers with a identifiable, visual connection of the company's target market.
View or print the 2013 SEMA Show Celebrity Appearance list.
As exhibit space reaches capacity at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Show organizers are focused on educating buyers on how to get the most out of Show week. In addition to booth appearances from celebrities, buyers will benefit from the Show's additional attractions, including:
- SEMA Data Co-op (SDC) Education Session
- 2013 Press Conference Schedule
- SEMA Speed Networking Breakfast
- New Products Showcase
For more information on the 2013 SEMA Show—including registration and additional destinations for buyers, can be accessed through the Attendees section on the home page of