Business Tools

Take Your SEO to the Next Level

  Leisa Hall
When potential customers search online for parts and accessories, are they finding your company? Have you fully optimized your website? The world of online search is constantly changing. It's critical that you are up-to-speed on the latest techniques to ensure that your company ranks as a top search result. The SEMA Education Insitute (SEI) will host a webinar, "How to Take Your SEO to the Next Level," Thursday, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. (PDT). Join us, along with presenter Leisa Hall of Anvil Media Inc., as we dive into the topic of SEO. During this session we will cover:
  • The importance of content
  • Keywords and onsite placement
  • How links affect optimization
  • Social Influence
  • What not to do
  • Tracking your SEO

Hall has been developing strategy for search engine marketing campaigns at Anvil since 2004. Seasoned in organic search engine optimization, social media strategies and paid search, her expertise is in driving online paid media strategy for ecommerce for businesses of all sizes.

Learn how to stand out from the online crowd. Don't miss this informative session Thursday, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. (PDT).

Participate live or download the webinar when it’s convenient. And remember: SEMA webinars are free to SEMA members and only $29 for non-members.