
Best Chance to Nominate for SEMA Hall of Fame

  McClelland and Funfar, SEMA HOF Exhibit
  SEMA Hall of Fame Members Dave McClelland (left) and Ron Funfar view the Hall of Fame exhibit at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum.

SEMA members, it's once again time to recognize your mentors, colleagues and competitors and nominate them for the SEMA Hall of Fame. Induction into the prestigious SEMA Hall of Fame is one of the highest honors the industry can bestow on individual members.

It is an annual tribute to those who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership skills and an incomparable dedication to industry affairs and progress.

Take a moment to acknowledge those who have contributed to the growth of this industry. All nominations are due by  Monday, March 15!

Click here to submit a nominee online.

The online form also lists criteria for nominations. Please take a moment to review the criteria as well as past inductees to avoid nominating a current Hall of Fame member.

The Hall of Fame Task Force follows strict guidelines during the selection process, which means your input, comments and opinions are essential to a fair and complete evaluation.

Don't wait—take a moment to recognize the industry's innovators today.