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PRO Chairman Welcomes New Select Committee Members, Invites Restylers to Celebrate at Council’s “November Fest”


As a result of recent elections, the Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) is proud to welcome five new members to the Select Committee.

“The Select Committee is extremely well-balanced, with representations from manufacturers, media, restylers and WDs,” said PRO Chairman Karl Stearns. “I am extremely enthused about working with this energetic, forward-thinking group of representatives from our industry.”

The council is also preparing for its council reception at the SEMA Show, which organizers have dubbed “NovemberFest.” The event promises to be a “must attend” for anyone in the restyling industry.

“This will be the first time in memory that that PRO will hold a social event of any kind at the SEMA Show,” said Stearns. PRO traditionally holds its reception at the SEMA spring event. The spring reception has also been the event at which we present our annual industry awards. But since this year’s event was postponed indefinitely due to the economic downturn, we were left with the possibility of having no place to present out awards.”

Read about the new Select Committee members and the council’s “NovemberFest” in the PRO column in the September/October issue of SEMA Member News.