If you missed today's webinar, "Get Paid: Avoiding Slow/Non-Paying Customers and Collecting Debt," stay tuned for the download next week. Learn how to avoid the hassle of collecting money that's past due with Doug Frymer, as he discusses how to avoid slow or non-paying customers through careful screening, as well as documenting the necessary sales and ordering information needed in court.
Also on the agenda are the different types of claims courts, collection agencies, arbitration and mediation. Also, be sure to mark you calendar for our October 19 webinar, “Lean Thinking—The Toyota Way of Doing Business."
The Toyota Production System has been translated for non-production “knowledge work,” known as Lean Thinking. Presented by Russ Mundo, Field Support Manager, University of Toyota, this webinar will provide the core principles of Lean Thinking and an overview of the Lean Thinking Team Process—the Plan. Learn tool phases to organize and implement your project work and how to direct your team’s efforts away from wasteful activities. Learn the benefits of Lean Thinking and how to increase productivity on Friday, October 19, 10:00 a.m. (PST).
For more information on the webinars listed above, upcoming sessions, or past sessions available for download, visit www.sema.org/webinar.