The SEMA Industry Indicators Report for April is now available from SEMA Market Research.

View the “SEMA Industry Indicators Report” for April.

This monthly report provides a high-level snapshot of the overall U.S. economy with an emphasis on economic data that directly or indirectly affects the automotive aftermarket industry and your business.

This month, the report includes highlights from the “SEMA Industry Perspectives Report.”

We need help from the SEMA community!  

What do you think about the state of the industry? Some SEMA members may receive an email from a company called Directions Research with an invitation to take a survey. If you get this invitation, please take a few minutes to provide your feedback. This will help us provide the best information for our industry.

Some More Useful Info

The market for Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT) is developing as a significant new opportunity for companies in the specialty-equipment industry.

Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) and Connected Vehicle Technologies (CVT) are becoming common options on newly manufactured vehicles.  As these technologies become more established, there will be increasing demand to retrofit older vehicles with these systems.

The SEMA Advanced Vehicle Technology Opportunity Study will help you understand:

  • What are these new technologies?
  • What opportunities exist in the retrofit market?


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