When COVID-19 created uncertainty among many ETTN member companies this past Spring, SEMA quickly developed a resource page that included business loan information, federal guidelines and requirements, ways to protect the economy, links to verified sources and more.
While all of those resources are still available, federal and local regulations are becoming less restrictive, prompting SEMA to compile a list of resources and information to help member companies get back to business at www.sema.org/reopen.
Included on the webpage are published Back-to-Business guidelines and best practices, state-by-state regulations, SEMA Member-produced PPE for sale, free downloadable signage for your shop or office, webinars and panel discussions from industry experts.
SEMA is committed to helping members and the industry recover quickly, and is focusing its efforts on providing members with tools and resources that are more relevant during this unprecedented time. Back-to-Business resources are added to the site regularly at www.sema.org/reopen.