Restoration Trademark Licensing

Trademark Licensing Overview

SEMA ARMO Trademark Licensing OverviewEver wonder how a company gets a restoration product officially licensed by an OEM car maker? ARMO members can now find introductory information from three Original Equipment Manufacturers, including preliminary application forms, in one document.

Obtaining a trademark license is one of the few remaining processes that cannot be accomplished "online" or with a simple application. OEM car makers are very proud and protective of their trademarks. There are many steps involved in order to display an "Officially Licensed" logo on your product.  Just finding out where to begin can be a daunting task.

The Trademark Licensing Overview provides ARMO member companies with the information they need to begin the process in one handy reference document. Ford, GM and Chrysler have supplied contact information, application forms and general process overviews. While the Overview is not a complete guide to trademark licensing, it does provide you with information necessary for all those important first steps.

The ARMO Trademark Licensing Overview is now available for download by clicking here.

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