SEMA Member News—September 2019
Gears Up for PRO at the SEMA Show
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As summer ebbs and autumn fast approaches, thoughts quickly turn to Las Vegas and the 2019 SEMA Show. Once again, the restyling community can expect to find programs and events of particular interest.
For 31 years, the Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) has led the way with projects, programs and activities to help its members’ businesses grow and prosper. Throughout Show week, PRO members will have opportunities galore to sharpen skills, network and just have fun, so grab your smart phone or tablet and mark your calendar.
“The SEMA Show is a busy time for everyone, but some of the most worthwhile time I spend is at the various events held by PRO,” said Dino Perfetti, council chair. “The amount of experience and diversity in the industry that’s represented at these events is an invaluable resource. Most of our current and past select committee members made their first appearances at PRO events at the SEMA Show, and we invite all members and nonmembers to take advantage of what PRO has planned for this year’s Show.”
Party Poolside With PRO
To kick off the week in festive fashion, join PRO at its 25th annual industry awards reception on Tuesday, November 5. Billed as the social event of the season for the restyling community, the evening affair—open to all PRO members and guests interested in joining PRO—will be held poolside at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino from 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
The reception is an unparalleled networking opportunity. The idyllic outdoor setting, complete with live musical entertainment, sets the stage for members to kick back and mix and mingle with industry leaders, colleagues and friends old and new. Toss in hot hors d’oeuvres, liquid libations and an awards ceremony saluting the Restyler of the Year, Manufacturer of the Year, Nat Danas Person of the Year and Jim Borré Lifetime Achievement honoree, and it’s sure to be a night to remember.
“After being in the convention center all day, holding the reception outdoors at the Westgate pool always draws a big crowd,” Perfetti said. “More than 250 guests joined us last year, and it’s a great opportunity to spend time with friends and recognize the restyling industry’s top achievers.”
Advance Your Career at PRO-Powered Seminars
Delivering educational programs to help advance the restyling industry has long been a council priority. Over the years, PRO has presented numerous seminars during Show week, and this year is no exception.
Looking to discover untapped opportunities to help car dealers rejuvenate sales and increase profits? Interested in learning effective sales and marketing techniques to build your image as a restyling pro? Consider attending the two PRO-powered seminars on Wednesday, November 6.
“Accelerate Sales and Profits in a Challenging Market” is scheduled for 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. in room N256 in the North Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). “Up Your Game: Harness Your Marketing and Sales Skills” will be held in room N254 from 2:15 p.m.–3:15 p.m. For details, visit the Show website at and click on the attendee link to Education.
Join PRO for Happy Hour
For PRO members and other Showgoers looking for a place to wet their whistles and meet and greet the council’s select committee, the PRO Happy Hour, 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, is the place to enjoy free beer, conversation and a chance to wind down the day.
A fixture at the SEMA Show since the early ’90s, the PRO exhibit is located in the North Hall booth #13113. Always a popular gathering spot for PRO members, this year’s exhibit will likely feature a fully accessorized PRO project vehicle dressed with products furnished by member manufacturers. Select committee members will be on hand throughout the week to share information about council benefits and initiatives—including the all-new SEMA Accessory Sales Professional Certificate program—as well as sign up new members. Be sure to stop by and experience PRO hospitality.
Get Involved at the PRO Open Membership Meeting
To close out its Show activities, PRO will host its annual open membership meeting on Thursday, November 7. The early-bird gathering—open to employees of PRO-member companies as well as nonmembers—will run from 7:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. at the LVCC. The meeting typically draws 30 or more early risers and includes a continental breakfast and beverages.
The meeting’s interactive format affords members the opportunity to be active participants and to not only learn about PRO projects and the benefits of membership, but also engage in an exchange of ideas on issues that influence and impact the restyling industry.
“PRO is the voice of the restyling industry,” Perfetti said. “By becoming actively involved, your company can help PRO achieve its goals. If you’re planning to be in Las Vegas, we urge you to put the meeting on your agenda and to invite your colleagues to join us.”