SEMA News—August 2019


By John Stewart

The SEMA Hall of Fame

A 50-Year Perspective

SEMA Hall of FameIn honor of the SEMA Hall of Fame’s first inductee, Hall of Fame honors were originally called the Paul Schiefer “Old Timer’s Memorial Award.”

The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the SEMA Hall of Fame. Created in 1969, the Hall of Fame is the association’s highest recognition, established to honor outstanding persons in the automotive specialty-equipment industry whose creativity, dignity, industriousness and accomplishments have enhanced the stature of, and significantly contributed to, the industry’s growth.

In honor of the Hall’s first inductee, Hall of Fame honors were originally called the Paul Schiefer “Old Timer’s Memorial Award.” The award was named for one of SEMA’s original founding members, who pioneered safer flywheels and clutch assemblies for racing. The “old timer’s” reference alluded to a board directive that the award honor founders of the industry, since one of the criteria for the SEMA Hall of Fame award is that the candidate must have been involved in the industry and/or association for a minimum of 10 years.

In 1986, the award came to be known simply as the SEMA Hall of Fame. Though the name changed, the original intent did not. To this day, the award continues to honor and pay tribute to the leaders and legends who helped make the automotive specialty-equipment market an industry worth in excess of $44 billion annually.

Inductees are selected by a committee of their peers, who annually accept nominations and undertake the difficult task of selecting new members—an elite few without whom the industry would not be where it is. Some are pioneers; some became iconic through their work; others improved the industry through their generosity and commitment to service; but all set positive examples and made indelible contributions to the industry on a national or international scale.

In any given year, it’s not unusual for three or four people to earn induction into the Hall of Fame. New inductees are announced at the annual SEMA Installation & Gala, a prominent event that attracts a who’s who of the industry.

Later in the year, the individuals honored with Hall of Fame commendation are recognized at the SEMA Awards Banquet during the annual SEMA Show. The award’s custom-designed trophy is regarded as one of the most admired and sought-after in the automotive aftermarket.

Collectively, the Hall of Fame award recipients chronicle the history of the industry, which SEMA News celebrates by including images of every inductee in this issue. Complete profiles and photo galleries of the inductees can be found at

Matta AgostaMatt Agosta, 2016Bob AirheartBob Airheart, 1993Don AldersonDon Alderson, 2001
Joe AmatoJoe Amato, 1998Brian AppelgateBrian Appelgate, 2003Nick AriasNick Arias Jr., 2012
Zora Arkus-DuntovZora Arkus-Duntov, 1973Joel AyresJoel Ayres, 2015Tom BabcoxTom Babcox, 1982
Lou BaneyLou Baney, 1992Don "Bud" BarnettDon "Bud" Barnett, 1994George BarrisGeorge Barris, 2013
John Bartlett
John Bartlett, 1981
Gray BaskervilleGray Baskerville, 2011Sandy BelondSandy Belond, 1981
Jim BinghamJim Bingham, 2015Keith Black
Keith Black, 1986
Raymond Bleiweis
Raymond Bleiweis, 2008
Chuck BlumChuck Blum, 1997Chuck BobinsChuck Bobins, 1980Steve BolioSteve Bolio, 2006
Louis BorickLouis Borick, 1995Dan BorréDan Borré, 1990Jim BorréJim Borré, 2000
Ray BrockRay Brock, 1994Paul "Scooter" BrothersPaul "Scooter" Brothers, 2005Ray BrownRay Brown (right), 1991
Robert CahillRobert Cahill, 1997Ben Nighthorse CampbellBen Nighthorse Campbell, 2008"Honest Charley" Card"Honest Charley" Card, 1970
GiGi CarletonGiGi Carleton, 2017Dick CepekDick Cepek, 1983Bob ChandlerBob Chandler, 2019
Pete ChapourisPete Chapouris, 1999Art ChrismanArt Chrisman, 2011Boyd CoddingtonBoyd Coddington, 1995
Corky CokerCorky Coker, 2008Ronald ColemanRonald Coleman, 2000Robert Cook, 2008Robert Cook, 2008
Nile CornelisonNile Cornelison, 2014Jim CozzieJim Cozzie, 2014Harvey J. Crane Jr., 1981Harvey J. Crane Jr., 1981
CrowerBruce Crower, 2019Dick DayDick Day, 1990Russ DeaneRuss Deane, 2007
Jim DiestJim Diest, 1984Murray DiamondMurray Diamond, 1992


Howard DouglasHoward Douglas, 1988
Donnie EatherlyDonnie Eatherly, 2018Chris EconomakiChris Economaki, 2011


Vic Edelbrock, Jr. 1989Vic Edelbrock Jr., 1989
Vic Edelbrock Sr.Vic Edelbrock Sr., 1977Ed ElliottEd Elliott, 1974George ElliottGeorge Elliott, 1990
Doug EvansDoug Evans, 2017Amy FaulkAmy Faulk, 2002Herb FishelHerb Fishel, 2005
Chip FooseChip Foose, 2016George FooteGeorge Foote, 1984Donna Imrie FoulgerDonna Imrie Foulger, 1982
Bill France Sr.Bill France Sr., 2012Ron FunfarRon Funfar, 2007Dennis GageDennis Gage, 2015
Don GarlitsDon Garlits, 1980Willie GarnerWillie Garner, 1976Angelo Giampetroni, 1993Angelo Giampetroni, 1993
Harvey GoldbergHarvey Goldberg, 1992Jack GoldsteinJack Goldstein (right), 1979Andy GranatelliAndy Granatelli (center), 2001
Eric GrantEric Grant, 2013Ted HalibrandTed Halibrand, 1983Kenny HarmanKenny Harman, 1979
Jack HarrisJack Harris, 1981C.J. "Pappy" HartC.J. "Pappy" Hart, 1981Jack HartJack Hart, 1978
Bill HaysBill HaysBob HedmanBob Hedman, 1987Mark HeffingtonMark Heffington, 2012
Harry HiblerHarry Hibler, 2002Stuart HilbornStuart Hilborn, 1996Stan HiltzStan Hiltz, 1985
Dennis HoldingDennis Holding, 1997Gary HookerGary Hooker, 2016Joe HrudkaJoe Hrudka, 1980
George HurstGeorge Hurst (in coat), 1978Ed IskenderianEd Iskenderian, 1978Leo KaganLeo Kagan, 1982
Wade KawasakiWade Kawasaki, 2013Bob KellerBob Keller, 2004Jim KerrJim Kerr, 1996
Sheldon KonblettSheldon Konblett, 1986Arnold KuhnsArnold Kuhns, 2002Walter “Butch” Lahmann, 1995Walter “Butch” Lahmann, 1995
Bob Larivee Sr.Bob Larivee Sr., 2012Burke LeSageBurke LeSage (right), 2005Roy LeslieRoy Leslie, 1972
Jerry LightJerry Light, 1983Ray LipperRay Lipper, 2002Els LohnEls Lohn, 1985
Boots MalloryBoots Mallory, 1978Dick MartinDick Martin, 1993Dick MaxwellDick Maxwell, 2006
Dave McClellandDave McClelland, 1994Jim McFarlandJim McFarland, 2001Bob McJannettBob McJannett, 2003
Richard “Dick” McMullenRichard “Dick” McMullen, 2010Barry MeguiarBarry Meguiar, 2017 John MenzlerJohn Menzler, 2014
Dean MoonDean Moon, 1988Marla MooreMarla Moore, 2019Dick Moroso Dick Moroso, 1999
Fred C. OffenhauserFred C. Offenhauser, 2014Carl OlsonCarl Olson, 1991Wally ParksWally Parks, 1979
Bob PatteriBob Patteri, 1999Bill PerryBill Perry, 2009Robert E. PetersenRobert E. Petersen, 1981
Vince PigginsVince Piggins, 1991Ed PinkEd Pink, 2018Joe PisanoJoe Pisano, 1992
Don PrudhommeDon Prudhomme, 1997Don RaleighDon Raleigh, 1989Alan ReedAlan Reed, 1991
Roy RichterRoy Richter, 1974Marvin RifchinMarvin Rifchin, 2003P.G. “Red” RobertsP.G. “Red” Roberts, 2000
Rick RollinsRick Rollins, 2006John Scafidi Sr., 1998John Scafidi Sr., 1998Paul SchieferPaul Schiefer, 1969
Joe SchubeckJoe Schubeck, 2013Chuck SchwartzChuck Schwartz, 2010Louis SenterLouis Senter, 1978
Tom SheddenTom Shedden, 1983Carroll ShelbyCarroll Shelby, 1986Nate SheltonNate Shelton, 2007
Ben SigmanBen Sigman, 1987John SimmonsJohn Simmons, 2004Bill SimpsonBill Simpson, 1988
Bill SmithBill Smith, 1984Don SmithDon Smith, 1987Bob SparBob Spar, 1981
Bill StroppeBill Stroppe, 1985Mickey ThompsonMickey Thompson, 1984Chris ThomsonChris Thomson, 2018
John TowleJohn Towle, 2011Charlie Van Cleve, 2004Charlie Van Cleve, 2004Dick Van CleveDick Van Cleve, 1996
Bob VandergriffBob Vandergriff, 2003Jim VaughnJim Vaughn, 1981Linda VaughnLinda Vaughn, 1985
Thurston WarnThurston Warn, 1986Harry WeberHarry Weber, 1978Joan WeiandJoan Weiand, 1995
Phil WeiandPhil Weiand, 1975Dick Wells (right)Dick Wells (right), 1993Ed WinfieldEd Winfield, 1971
Jim WirthJim Wirth, 2004Van WoodellVan Woodell, 2010Steve WoomerSteve Woomer, 1999
Rolan “Jeep” WorthanRolan "Jeep" Worthan, 2009Henry “Smokey” YunickHenry “Smokey” Yunick, 2009Alex XydiasAlex Xydias, 1982

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