SEMA News - October 2009

ROI at the SEMA Show?

Make Me a Match!

The SEMA Show is a reflection of our specialty-equipment industry—an industry fueled by passion, perseverance, and a gut-sense that people who love cars and trucks will always demand outstanding, innovative products. It is a challenging time for our member companies, and you can expect exhibitors will adjust their Show presence wisely. But SEMA members know that eventually the market will turn, and those ready with the best products will reap substantial rewards. Case in point: At press time, we are still two months from the Show and already there are more than 1,500 manufacturers exhibiting and a tremendous list of buyer registrations to match. And matching is what it is all about! 
How so? It’s no surprise that exhibitors and Show attendees are asking, “How can I get even more ROI from my investment in the Show this year?” Without a doubt, the common and most important goal of Show participants is to efficiently make connections that will result in increased sales and profits for both. SO, HERE’S THE PART THAT GIVES YOU A NEW TOOL TO MAKE YOUR SEMA SHOW INVESTMENT MORE SUCCESSFUL! SEMA now has available an effective, easy-to-use online tool for buyers and exhibitors to match up in advance of the Show, share information and make the Show connections more likely to bring sales.

Here’s how it works. When exhibitors and buyers register for the Show, they are asked to list products and services that are pertinent to them.

The Matchmaking Tool pairs exhibitors and buyers according to their preferences, then e-mails to each a list of contacts that match their product categories. The buyers and exhibitors are able to contact their matches to arrange appointments long before the SEMA Show even begins. Sound like it could improve results from your SEMA Show investment? The answer is that it will—but you will only get out of it what you put into it. If you have not done so already, start by registering online now. Anyone who is registered can just click on the “Buyers & Exhibitors Connect Matchmaking” starburst on the website home page.

Another impressive addition goes hand-in-glove with the Matchmaking Tool. It’s the new highly interactive SEMA Show Floorplan—an innovative development which is accessible with a mouse click on the “Click Here for Floorplan” starburst on the SEMA Show home page. This tool offers an effective range of options to track down a buyer’s compatible exhibitors. Buyer’s can search by company name, by exhibit hall or by booth number. Once a buyer has selected an exhibitor, the website loads the appropriate SEMA Show floorplan section with the exhibitor’s booth highlighted. This presents an easy planning device to make efficient use of scarce time on the Show floor. Click on the booth, and a pop-up window provides the exhibitor’s contact information. You can then save the listing as a favorite, print it and e-mail it to your colleagues.

SEMA has developed these and other tools for one purpose: to make the 2009 SEMA Show the best, most effective trade show any attendee has ever experienced. To find out more about what will be offered, be sure to read “Define Your Perfect Show: A Preview of the 2009 SEMA Show,” which begins on page 24 of this issue. If you have any questions or need help using these tools, contact Gary Vigil or any of us at the SEMA offices at 909/396-0289.

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