By Ashley Reyes

SEMA member company employees under the age of 40 have two exclusive opportunities to enhance their careers through the SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) Professional Development Programs.
Hosted in partnership with Dale Carnegie, these programs will be held at the SEMA Garage Detroit, May 5-9, and will feature a course on individual communication and a course on team leadership. FLN members can apply for one or both courses at
Dale Carnegie has more than 100 years of proven success in helping thousands of organizations and millions of people create positive change and successful growth. This program, which focuses on improving individual and business performance, is available to FLN members at a significant discount off the standard Dale Carnegie training fees.
Available Courses:
Individual Communications Course – May 5-6
In this session, attendees will learn about Dale Carnegie's methods and principles for gaining the confidence and tools to build relationships and drive results by gaining willing cooperation and commitment. Takeaways include how to communicate professionally and confidently in business situations, how to build relationships and deal effectively with people in a multitude of scenarios and how to build rapport.
The price is $960 per person, which includes the training program, a certificate of completion, three nights of hotel accommodations and food and beverage during training.
Team Leadership Course – May 7-9
Dale Carnegie's unique relationship-centered approach to leadership development will provide attendees with a comprehensive toolkit that will help them become the type of leader required in today's workforce. This program combines the crucially important hard skills and proven behaviors that leaders need, while also focusing on adopting the right attitudes required to be an engaging leader.
The price is $1,280 per person which includes the training program, a certificate of completion, four nights of hotel accommodations and food and beverage during training.
"The FLN PDP program provided me with insight and knowledge I am unable to receive in regular training at my job," said Ryan Ehlers of Diode Dynamics on his past experience attending the program. "Professional leadership is tricky to teach yet this course laid it out in a very engaging way which helped me retain the lessons taught. The automotive industry can be very diverse, and it was great hearing the perspective of other attendees as well."
Contact FLN Director Denise Waddingham at with any questions.