By SEMA News Editors
Great exhibit space remains--but is selling quickly--for the SEMA Show, November 5-8, Las Vegas. Leading brands from across the nation and globe have signed on to exhibit for this year's event, which is on track to return to historic exhibitor levels with growth across all Halls and product categories. Reserve your booth here.
"The SEMA Show is shaping up to be the best to date. It will, once again, be the best place to make new domestic and international contacts and help expand your brand's distribution," said Andy Tompkins, SEMA trade show director. "Of course, exhibitors are also keen to stay up-to-date with the latest trends through the SEMA New Products Showcase, the world-class SEMA Education tracks and more events and activations like the SEMA Battle of the Builders. Don't miss out on securing exhibit space now, as available space won't last long."
Indeed, the SEMA Show will once again serve as the best opportunity of the year to connect in person with existing customers, discuss new ideas and challenges, and strengthen business relationships--all with the backdrop of a global platform to engage with specialty-automotive market professionals, media members, influencers, buyers and more coming from more than 100 countries and regions.
In addition to helping boost a business's bottom line, the SEMA Show also provides the unique opportunity for exhibitors to assemble their team of employees to learn new skills, make new connections and develop their professional careers--all in one location across four days.
"At SEMA, exhibitors can see who the breakout stars on your staff are and who might need further development, perhaps through one of the dedicated SEMA Education tracks," said Tompkins.
Of course, supporting the SEMA Show not only empowers businesses to progress their goals but also helps to power SEMA's mission to serve the industry by protecting and preserving the automotive lifestyle for generations to come.
"SEMA works year-round to protect consumers' rights to drive accessorized, customized and vintage vehicles. Our members, as well as exhibitors and attendees, are always at the forefront of everything SEMA does, whether through our advocacy team in Washington, D.C., SEMA Garage, SEMA Data, SEMA Membership, SEMA Councils & Networks or the SEMA Show," concluded Tompkins.
Reserve your booth here. SEMA Show organizers will conduct the booth plotting process from April 29 through May 15, after which the first iteration of the 2024 SEMA Show floorplan will be released.
For more information on exhibiting at the SEMA Show, visit semashow.com/exhibitor. Keep an eye on SEMA News and semashow.com for the latest deadlines, updates and opportunities for the 2024 SEMA Show.