By Ashley Reyes
An important part of being an ally to women is engaging new people who don't fully understand or believe in the male-ally mindset. Knowing how to approach, engage and convert non-believers into allies is critical for both men and women to grow the conversation so that positive change can take effect.
Men and women in the automotive aftermarket industry are invited to attend the SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN)'s next webinar in their Male-Ally Webinar Series "How to Keep the Conversation Growing and Build Awareness" on April 2 at 1:00 p.m. PDT. Attendees will discover ideas and ways to engage with people who have not heard of, or understand or support, the male-ally movement.
Register now, and learn:
- A review of what a male ally to women is and successful practices to be one.
- How to grow the conversation surrounding male allyship.
- How to recognize when it is time to engage.
- How the panelists have been successful in educating non-believers.
- What to do if there is push-back.
This session will be moderated by Rachel Speir (RS Marqueting), and feature speakers Chris Gauss (The Warn Group), Steve Gilmore (Ford Motor Company) and Sara Morosan (LGE-CTS Motorsports). Don't miss your chance to tap into their expertise and discover practices that you can use and that have worked for them in the past. Register today!