
USTR Grants More Exclusions from China’s List 3 Tariffs

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) granted exclusion for 36 products contained in List 3 Chinese imports subject to 25% tariffs. The products cover a wide variety of commodities but includes:

  • Ratcheting chain hoists, other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising motor vehicles, such chain hoists not powered by an electric motor (described in statistical reporting number 8425.19.0000).
  • Road wheels of aluminum for motor vehicles of subheading 8703.21.01, each measuring 30 cm or more but not over 51 cm in diameter and 14 cm or more but not over 28 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4545).
  • Drive shafts, also known as propeller shafts, that connect a transmission to a differential, allowing a vehicle to move, designed for use in the manufacture of motor vehicles primarily used for amusement, recreation, sporting and off-road transportation classified in heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6805).

More information is available online.

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