
Exhibitors: How to Prepare Now and Achieve More in November (Video)

By Jason Catullo

With the SEMA Show Priority Space Selection complete, and the 2019 SEMA Show floor taking shape, exhibitors can turn their attention to preparing a plan to take advantage of the Show's business and marketing opportunities. To get started, companies are encouraged to access the Exhibitor Services Manual for early bird rates on booth services, deadline and budget check lists, shipping information, sponsorship opportunities and much more.

SEMA Vice President of Trade Shows Tom Gattuso offers insight and tips on how exhibitors can maximize their Show experience.

The SEMA Show Exhibitor Manual (ESM) is an online exhibitor resource that contains all of the pertinent information and forms to prepare for a successful SEMA Show experience.

To help companies navigate the ESM efficiently, each section is broken down to the basics. Exhibitors are encouraged to become familiar with the website to understand how the tools available will pay dividends with ease of participation, better visibility with buyers, and more ways to save exhibitors time and money.

Below is an example of what resources and information are included in the ESM. Access the entire ESM at

Included in the Exhibitor Service Manual

  • Guidelines & Policies
  • Advertising Opportunities
  • Public Relations Opportunities
  • Sponsorship Brochures
  • Meeting Room Applications
  • FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Feature Vehicle Information and Applications
  • Booth Vehicle Information and Applications

More information about the 2019 SEMA Show is available at