
Young People Age Into Cars and Accessorizing

By Kyle Cheng

Young Accessorizers Report
SEMA’s new “Young Accessorizers Report” is now available through SEMA Market Research.

Young people grow into the automotive specialty-equipment industry. At age 16, only 5% accessorize or modify their vehicles. However, as they age into their 20s, they are more likely to get a license, have a vehicle and spend money on parts. By age 23, more than 30% of them are accessorizing. As young drivers get older, they gain more control over their vehicles and enter the customization culture.

Want to learn more about this emerging and important consumer segment? Interested in learning how you can more effectively reach the nearly 8 million young drivers who accessorize? Check out the new “SEMA Young Accessorizers Report,” available for free download.

Attending the 2018 SEMA Show? Want to learn more about young accessorizers? Check out the Young Enthusiasts education session, Thursday, November 1, from 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m., in LVCC Upper North Hall, N252. Register for the session today.