
Last Chance to Submit Your New-Product Releases to SEMA News

By SEMA Editors

New Products Showcase
Exhibitors are encouraged to enter their new products into the SEMA Show’s New Products Showcase—the No. 1 destination for attending buyers and media.

SEMA News is currently compiling exhibitor press releases for use in the October pre-Show issue. Exhibitors may benefit from this free added exposure opportunity by posting new-product releases or other announcements to the SEMA Show Online Media Center. Those releases posted prior to the August 1 deadline will be considered for publication on a first-come, first-served basis.

Exhibitors are also encouraged to enter their new products into the SEMA Show’s New Products Showcase—the No. 1 destination for attending buyers and media. The first product entered is free; all additional entries are $75 per product before October 5 and $150 per entry thereafter.