
Pasadena City College to Host Engineering & Technology Open House

By SEMA Editors

Pasadena City College

In a partnership with the SEMA Garage and Hanson Distributing Company, Pasadena City College Engineering & Technology Division will host an open house and career expo, Thursday, June 14, from 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., at Pasadena City College’s IT/Industrial Technologies Building, office 105 (1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106).

With more than 100 students registered to attend, companies interested in connecting with top automotive, engineering and design, machine shop and welding technology talent are strongly encouraged to participate.

This event is free to attend for industry employers. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy dinner and share your knowledge about industry career paths and job opportunities at this fun student networking event.

To RSVP, contact the Pasadena City College’s Engineering & Technology Division:

Wendy L. Lucko

Rowena Chan
Department Lab Technician 1