
Support for RPM Act Heats Up

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

As the summer heats up, support for the RPM Act is reaching a boiling point. Motivated by more than 66,000 letters to legislators, nearly 180 members of congress have expressed their support by becoming co-sponsors of the bill.

Tire Review’s editor Patti Renner recently highlighted the bill. Check out her article, RPM Act: “Protecting Motorsports by Law.”

Want to help push the RPM Act over the finish line? Reach out to your elected officials today.

August is a particularly good time to contact your representatives. Members of congress will be spending time back home and visiting with local businesses and constituents like you. This provides the perfect chance to show your elected officials why the motorsports industry and the RPM Act are vitally important where you live. Here are some steps you can take to make your voices heard:

  • Request a meeting: Contact your member of congress’ office and request a face-to-face meeting with the member or their district office staff. SEMA’s team in Washington, D.C., can provide background materials about the RPM Act and talking points to use in your meeting.
  • Host a Tour of Your Business: Host a member of congress at your business, provide them with a tour of the facility and help your lawmaker better understand the motorsports industry and the importance of the RPM Act. Lawmakers are eager to engage with businesses like yours, and frequently look for opportunities to hear directly about the issues most important to you.

Please email Christian Robinson if you’re interested in setting up a meeting or hosting a member of congress at your business.

Looking for more information? You can stay up-to-date on the RPM Act and get the latest video, news clips and information on the motorsports bill on SEMA’s website.