During this year’s SEMA Show, stop by the PAC booth in the North Hall Upstairs Lobby and make your voice heard by becoming a SEMA PAC member. |
By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff
There’s a lot happening in our nation’s capital that affects your bottom line. SEMA’s Political Action Committee (SEMA PAC) is working hard to ensure that our industry is protected, but we can’t do it alone.
Whether it’s keeping harmful ethanol out of collector cars, reducing burdensome taxes or saving national treasures, such as the Bonneville Salt Flats, it’s critical to be engaged. Don’t believe us? Watch an important video message from SEMA Chairman Doug Evans and SEMA Chairman-Elect Wade Kawasaki.
Any SEMA member can join and make a difference. It doesn’t matter if you have five employees or 500, it’s in everyone’s best interest to get involved and stay active. During this year’s SEMA Show, stop by the PAC booth in the North Hall Upstairs Lobby and make your voice heard by becoming a SEMA PAC member. You can also sign up for free by visiting SEMAPAC.com. It takes seconds and there is never an obligation to contribute.
To learn more, contact SEMA PAC & Congressional Relations Manager Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org.