Answers to Exhibitors’ Top Questions About Freight

By Becca Butler

Exhibitors have three options when getting freight to the SEMA Show: shipping freight to the Freeman Advance Warehouse prior to Show; shipping freight directly to the Show to arrive during the exhibitor’s target time; or driving freight directly to the Show.
One of the most common questions the SEMA Show Department receives from exhibitors in the months leading up to the Show is in regards to freight. After all, exhibitors have spent months planning, preparing and building their booths. These materials now must arrive at the actual booth location with enough time for exhibitors to set up their booths and have a successful Show week.

To help exhibitors understand and prepare for the delivery of their booth materials, we sat down with SEMA’s own freight expert, Lorri Monty. Here’s what she had to say:

Question: How do I get my booth properties to the Show?

Monty: There are a few different options for getting your freight to the SEMA Show. Many exhibitors actually send materials using all three of these options, as there are advantages to each.
  • Ship your freight to the Freeman Advance Warehouse prior to the Show: I would personally recommend sending the bulk of the booth this way, because it guarantees that your freight will be delivered to your booth during your target time. Just to clarify, your target time is when your freight must arrive at the Show, not necessarily to your booth. If you don’t ship your materials in advance, then it may take a few hours for it to get to your actual booth. Shipping in advance is a little pricier, but if you need the extra set-up time then it’s worth it. The Freeman Advance warehouse begins receiving materials September 24 and the deadline is October 21.
  • Ship your freight directly to the Show to arrive during your target time: If you decide to go with a commercial carrier and ship your booth materials directly to the Las Vegas Convention Center, then it must arrive on your target date or it will not be received. The carrier will need to check in at the Freeman Marshalling Yard to receive a door assignment before coming into the LVCC. As mentioned, it may take a couple of hours from check-in before your materials are delivered to your booth by Freeman.
  • Drive your freight directly to the Show: If you will be driving your freight in a car, truck, van or trailer, you do not need to arrive on your target date. You may arrive any day from October 31–November 2. However, large materials (that cannot be carried by one person) must be unloaded by Freeman and will require an additional material handling charge. If you will be driving, there are designated unloading zones.
For those who will be shipping materials to the Show, shipping labels are available online.

Question: What is a target time? And why is it important?

Monty: Because the SEMA Show is so large in size, each exhibitor is assigned a specific date/time (referred to as a “target time”) to have their freight arrive at the SEMA Show. Target times are listed by booth number in the Exhibitor Services Manual. Your target time is important to know because that is when your booth materials must arrive at the Show or else they will not be accepted.

Question: What do I need to know about Material Handling?

Monty: If you’re shipping your materials to the Show, either in advance or directly to the LVCC, or if Freeman will be assisting in unloading your own vehicle, there will be a material handling fee associated with the delivery of your freight to your booth. Price will vary based on your booth size and weight of materials. Exhibitors that have a booth 20x20 or smaller get up to 500 lbs. of material handling for free. See more detailed information on pricing.

Question: When can I start setting up my booth?

Monty: You can begin setting up your booth any time after your target time and when your booth materials have been delivered.

Question: Who can I contact if I have additional questions about shipping to the Show or about booth set-up?

Monty: For additional information, visit the Shipping Information section in the Exhibitor Services Manual or contact, 909-978-6664. For assistance onsite at the SEMA Show, exhibitors can contact their floor manager.