
Florida Bills Requiring Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Die as Legislature Adjourns

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

House and Senate versions of legislation to establish a pilot program to study the feasibility of implementing a system that charges drivers based on vehicle miles traveled died when the legislature adjourned for the year.

House and Senate versions of legislation (H.B. 7075/S.B. 1186) to establish a pilot program to study the feasibility of implementing a system that charges drivers based on vehicle miles traveled died when the legislature adjourned for the year. In addition to creating privacy concerns, the bills sought to penalize national efforts to create a more fuel-efficient vehicle fleet by taxing drivers based on vehicle mileage. As gas tax revenues decrease due to hybrid and electric vehicle ownership, states are looking for new sources of funding for pet projects. The Senate bill would have allowed the Center for Urban Transportation to spend up to $400,000 for the study and pilot program design and provided for the implementation of the pilot program in 2017.

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