
8 Common Myths About the New Products Showcase

By Becca Butler

The first product submitted into the New Products Showcase is completely free. All additional products are $75 per category if entered by the October 10 deadline.

The New Products Showcase is a great opportunity for exhibitors to introduce their new and featured products to buyers and media. Located in Upper South Hall, the New Products Showcase promises to be one of the most sought-out destinations at the 2014 SEMA Show. All exhibitors are invited to include their products in the Showcase. The advance-rate deadline for New Products Showcase submissions is Friday, October 10.

Enter a product into the Showcase

Below are eight of the most common myths about the New Products Showcase that are all too easy to believe.

  • Myth #1: My product has to be new. Reality: Products entered into the New Products Showcase can be either new, featured or both! As long as your product is manufactured or exclusively distributed by your company, then it can be entered.
  • Myth #2: It is expensive to enter a product. Reality: The best part about the New Products Showcase is that the first entry is free. The next one is $75 (before October 10). After October 10, the fee will be $150 per entry.
  • Myth #3: My product is too big. Reality: Small products will be in the display cabinets and large products will be placed on the floor or counter. Exhibitors may even bring a printed photo to display if the product is too large.
  • Myth #4: I will not know who scanned my products in the Showcase. Reality: Information regarding who scanned your products will be available on your registration dashboard after the Show.
  • Myth #5: I can only enter one product. Reality: You can submit as many products as you would like. The first entry is free, any additional entries will cost $75 (before October 10).
  • Myth #6: I missed the deadline. Reality: You can bring your New Products(s) onsite to the New Products check-in, Saturday, November 1, and Sunday, November 2, to enter and check them in. The best part is that the first entry will still be free.
  • Myth #7: I don’t have time. Reality: Entering a product in the Showcase does not require much time at all. You can enter your product online. When you arrive at the Show, you will need deliver your product(s) on-site by Sunday, November 2. Products may still be entered on Monday, November 3, but must be completely checked-in by 10:00 a.m. in order to be judged for a New Product Award. At the end of the Show you have the option to have your product(s) packaged and shipped back to you by UPS or you can pick them up on Friday, November 7, between 4:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
  • Myth #8: It’s not worth it. Reality: Entering a product into the Showcase is extremely beneficial for exhibitors. As the No. 1 buyer and media destination, exhibitors will gain increased exposure and additional publicity from the New Products Showcase. For those interested in your product, SEMA will provide product information for every product entered. In addition, products entered will be photographed and promoted to the media. It is definitely worth it to take advantage of this completely free opportunity.
Additionally, new-product entries are considered for a New Product Award, and the winners are announced at the New Product Awards Breakfast, Tuesday, November 4, from 7:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m., at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino (formerly LVH), Ballrooms A–G. Showgoers can secure tickets to the breakfast at no cost through the registration site.

Enter a product into the Showcase. For more information on how to submit a product, read the Rules and Regulations page.