
Member Benefit: Money to Pay Off Existing Student Loans

 Laura Conrad, Kahn Media
Employees of SEMA-member companies, like Laura Conrad (above) of Kahn Media, have taken advantage of the SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program and have received money to help repay student loans. 

By Jason Catullo

Employees of SEMA-members companies who are currently paying off students loans may be able to receive money through the SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund's Loan Forgiveness Program. Those employee selected to receive the award will receive $2,000 toward outstanding student loans.

The SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund is dedicated to fostering the next generation of automotive aftermarket industry leaders and innovators. The SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program is dedicated to aiding recent graduates in getting off to a successful start in their automotive aftermarket careers.

“I’ve received Loan Forgiveness funds from SEMA, and it’s been a huge help in repaying my student loans and reducing what I pay in interest,” said Laura Conrad of Kahn Media. “It’s really great to work in an industry that is so supportive of recent graduates and to have my hard work recognized by SEMA.”

Here are the requirements needed to be eligible for assistance through SEMA Loan Forgiveness:

  • Have completed a program of study at an accredited university, college or private vocational/technical program in the United States, with one of the following:

    • Graduate level degree
    • Bachelor's degree
    • Associates degree
    • Certificate of program completion
  • Have graduated with a minimum 2.5 grade point average
  • Have a minimum $2,000 student loan(s) outstanding
  • Have a minimum of one full year of full-time employment at a SEMA member company by the application deadline

For more information or to begin the application process, visit The deadline to complete the application is Friday, March 28, 2014. For additional information, contact Juliet Marshall at