
Exhibitors: Top Three Things to Check in Your Show Directory Listing

 SEMA Show Directory Listing
Exhibitors can further ensure that buyers will be able to reach them on the 2013 SEMA Show floor, and well after the Show closes, by verifying their directory listings are accurate.

By Della Domingo

Exhibitors have until August 30, 2013, to update their SEMA Show Directory listing. The listing is used by buyers to identify prospective new business partners throughout the year. In addition to being mailed to 18,000 industry professionals in advance of the SEMA Show, the directory is distributed to attendees onsite at the SEMA Show. Exhibitors can ensure that buyers will be able to reach them by verifying their directory listings.
“Exhibitors filled out their company description and directory listings when they initially applied for booth space,” said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA VP of events and communications. “Now is the time for exhibitors to go in and verify that the information is still accurate and up-to-date.”
Exhibitors are advised to check the following information in their listings:

  1. Company Name: Verify that the company name is spelled correctly and appears as you wish for it to appear.
  2. Contact Information: Staff may have changed, so make sure that your contact information is correct and current. Don’t forget to check your web address, too.
  3. Company Description: Buyers who are not familiar with your company will determine whether or not to look into your company further, based on your company description. There is a character count limit, so choose your words wisely. Include key words pertaining to th markets or niches you target, or products of focus. Avoid marketing jargon or promotions, as such information may be edited out.

Exhibitors can get more tips on how to get the most out of their SEMA Show investment by viewing the first session in a three-part webinar series. The first session covered pre-Show marketing and provided insight on proven ways to drive booth traffic, tactics for getting exposure and attention at the Show, and how to eliminate costly exhibitor mistakes. The webinar, "Develop a Pre-Show Marketing Plan Guaranteed to Make your SEMA Show a Success" is available for SEMA members to view free of charge.

More information on part two and three of series will be made available in upcoming issues of SEMA eNews.