
Legislation Introduced in U.S. Congress to Create a National Manufacturing Strategy

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

Identical bills have been introduced in the U.S. House (HR 1127) and Senate (S 544) directing the president to develop a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy and amend the plan every two years. Similar legislation has been introduced and considered in recent years.

The “Rebuild American Manufacturing Act of 2013” is designed to increase the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States to no less than 20% of all American jobs and identify emerging technologies to strengthen competitiveness. The bill requires a survey of all companies headquartered in the United States with facilities overseas to identify what products and how many manufacturing jobs are being outsourced. A second survey would identify all manufacturing goods produced domestically, where they are produced and how many Americans are employed in manufacturing. A third survey would review the assistance provided to the manufacturing sector by the federal government and compare the approach taken by the United States with that of other countries. The initial manufacturing strategy would be due 180 days after the bill is signed into law.

For more information, please contact Dan Sadowski at