Keep Up With SEMA Council and Committee Special Events on Social Media

To keep up with the featured SEMA council and committee special events conducted at the SEMA Show, several event pages have been created on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Special events held by councils and committees during the week of the SEMA Show include select committee and membership meetings, awards receptions and industry networking events.

Below is a breakdown of the recent Facebook pages created on Facebook for SEMA council and committee special events. 

LinkedIn: SEMA council and committee special event listings on LinkedIn. 

For more information on the 2012 SEMA Show, including a schedule of SEMA special events, attendee registration, and the exhibitor list and floorplan, visit

SEMA councils offer members unparalleled volunteer opportunities that will not only benefit your company, but will also help you grow as a leader in your industry. Seventy five percent of current SEMA Board members were former council members. Each SEMA council represents a group of SEMA members that share a common business purpose or market segment.