
Steele Rubber's Matt Agosta Appointed to North Carolina Vehicle Classification Review Committee  

SEMA-member Matt Agosta of Steele Rubber Products has been appointed to serve on the North Carolina DMV’s Vehicle Classification Review Committee. The committee was established to include a SEMA representative pursuant to the 2009 enactment into law of SEMA-model legislation creating vehicle registration classifications for street rods, replicas and custom vehicles. 

The law relieves vehicle owners of unfair title branding and inspection concerns, allows for the use of non-original materials, creates a titling and registration criterion that assigns replica vehicles the same model-year designation as the production vehicle intended to be replicated and requires that the title of a replica vehicle clearly indicates that the vehicle is a replica and not an original. The committee reviews grievances filed by vehicle owners regarding the DMV’s determination of the appropriate vehicle classification for a specially constructed vehicle. 

For details, contact Steve McDonald at