
SEMA Secures U.S. Senate Resolution Designating July 13 as "Collector Car Appreciation Day"

The United States Senate passed Senate Resolution 452 (S. Res. 452) at the request of SEMA and its Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO) and Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) councils designating July 13, 2012 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day.” The date marks the third commemoration in what has become an annual event to celebrate and raise awareness of the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society. 

As with the previous two Resolutions, S. Res. 452 was sponsored by Congressional Automotive Performance and Motorsports Caucus members Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) and Senator Richard Burr (R-NC). Senators Tester and Burr are strong advocates for the automotive hobby in Washington, and S. Res. 452 reaffirms their understanding of the cultural importance of collector cars. The Caucus is an informal, non-partisan group that pays tribute to America’s ever-growing love affair with the car and motorsports. 

“We are grateful for the U.S. Senate’s recognition of the collector car hobby as an American pastime and means of individual expression,” said SEMA Vice President of Government Affairs Steve McDonald. “Collector Car Appreciation Day is also a singular tribute to the collector car industry and the millions of hobbyists it supports. Restoration businesses help preserve our nation’s heritage while providing well-paying, high-skilled jobs nationwide.”  

States, cities and two Canadian provinces joined the U.S. Senate last year by passing their own proclamations and resolutions. This year, the Hawaii State Legislature has already passed two resolutions and several other states are pursuing similar initiatives.

“On July 13, 2012, collectors and enthusiasts will host hundreds of events across the country,” said Laura Bergan, chairman of SEMA’s ARMO Council. “We will again proudly partner with individuals, car clubs and businesses as they organize car cruises, club gatherings and other educational events to celebrate the day.”

Through its grassroots hobbyist organization—the SEMA Action Network (SAN)—SEMA is maintaining a list of scheduled events to commemorate the day at Individuals, car clubs and business owners interested in publicizing events should contact SAN Director Colby Martin at 909/978-6721 or If you are unable to celebrate July 13, SAN encourages events to be scheduled throughout the month of July.

SEMA was founded in 1963 and represents the $29.99 billion specialty automotive industry of 6,383 member companies. It is the authoritative source for research, data, trends and market growth information for the specialty auto parts industry. The industry provides appearance, performance, comfort, convenience and technology products for passenger and recreational vehicles. For more information, contact SEMA at 1575 S. Valley Vista Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765, tel: 909/396-0289, or visit or