
Industry Trends: 2012 Annual Market Study Overview

  market trend study
  The SEMA 2012 Annual Market Study will be released the week of April 9.
The SEMA 2012 Annual Market Study will be released the week of April 9. This annual report will help SEMA-member companies to better understand the overall specialty-equipment market and its components.

Join the SEMA Education Institute (SEI) and Gavin Knapp, senior manager of SEMA’s Market Research Department, Thursday, April 12, at 10:00 a.m. (PDT) for a webinar that will highlight the results of this recent study.

During this session, you will learn:
  • The overall size of the specialty-equipment market
  • Sales within specialty-equipment product segments and niches
  • Industry and product trends
  • Vehicle sales trends

This webinar will explain changes in this year’s data to better track the compact performance and street performance segments.

Join Knapp Thursday, April 12, at 10:00 a.m. (PDT) to hear the results of this highly anticipated study and understand its potential impact on your business.

Participate live or download the webinar when it’s convenient.

And remember, SEMA webinars are free to SEMA members and only $29 for non-members: