
Reveal Your SEMA Role With a Member Ribbon


  members lounge
  Visit the Las Vegas Convention Center's Members Lounge, located on the upper level of the Grand Lobby, to pick up your limited-edition SEMA-member ribbons.

New at the 2011 SEMA Show is the Member Ribbon Bar, located in the Las Vegas Convention Center's Association Center and Members Lounge. A limited-time benefit, exclusive only to SEMA and council members, these ribbons reveal your individuality and role as a SEMA member. Some of our ribbons include: council members, SEMA new members and SEMA veteran members. These ribbons give you access to our Members Lounge, help identify which councils you are associated with and support networking opportunities at SEMA events and the Show floor.

Be sure to visit the Association Center, located in the Grand Lobby, and the Members Lounge, located on the upper level of the Grand Lobby, to pick up your limited-edition SEMA-member ribbons. If you would like to learn more about SEMA membership or join a specific council, stop by the Association Center Tuesday, November 1–Friday, November 4. We look forward to seeing you represent your unique member ribbons at the SEMA Show.