
Get the Most From Your SEMA Membership


  (left to right): HRIA members Rick Love, Del Austin, Dennis Overholser, John Menzler, Scott Bowers, Kerry Hopperstad and Brian Downard fielded questions during a General Membership meeting that took place in August during the NSRA Nationals in Kentucky.

“How can I get the most out of my membership?” is a common question asked by SEMA members. The answer is easy—get involved! Joining a council and becoming active in their networking events, task forces, educational programs and meetings are all steps in the right direction. The SEMA Show offers many great opportunities to meet with Select Committee members who serve and represent various industry niches. The Young Executives Network (YEN), Wheel & Tire Council (WTC), Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO) and Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) will all be hosting general membership meetings during SEMA Show Week.

A General Membership meeting is a forum in which the Select Committee, general members of the council and those interested in learning more about council activities can come together and share ideas. Generally, council business is addressed and an open discussion follows. It is a great opportunity to learn more, network and get involved.

Start getting the most from your membership. Come out to a meeting, share your thoughts, meet some industry peers and learn what SEMA and the councils are doing for your business. R.S.V.P. today to the following General Membership meetings:

If you are not yet a SEMA member and would like to take a test drive, come by the SEMA Association Center in the Grand Lobby of the Las Vegas Convention Center while you are at the Show to take advantage of special membership discounts of 50%, free lunch tickets, and other money-saving coupons. For more information, contact Monica Terlouw at 909/978-6685 or