
SEMA Board Launches Unprecedented Member Outreach

All SEMA members should be aware that the SEMA Board recently approved a motion to decrease the size of the Board of Directors. This initiative reflects their consensus that a smaller Board would improve the quality of discussion, and reduce cost.

The current SEMA board meetings total 26 individuals. A smaller group would be able to have more productive discussions, see each other eye-to-eye, be prepared and be accountable. Board members in a smaller group setting are often more comfortable stating what they believe or know, voicing an “unpopular” point of view and asking questions. The result is higher quality input, analysis and better board decisions and guidance.

In addition, it is more costly to maintain and cover the travel for a board of 26. The association spends more money to maintain a board size which creates more drawbacks than advantages.

To enact the board’s recommendation, the SEMA bylaws require a vote and approval by SEMA members.

Earlier this week, designated primary contacts for each member company were contacted about this important initiative via e-mail. Each primary contact was issued a log-in number that will allow them to cast a vote electronically on behalf of their company.  Only the primary contact for each member company can cast a vote on behalf of a member company. Primary contacts who did not receive a log-in number by e-mail may contact Arlene Wood at 909/978-6689, or via e-mail at

SEMA Board leadership is urging all SEMA member companies to promptly register their vote on this important matter, so the SEMA Board can be effective as they sort through the difficult decisions needed to lead our industry into the future.

For a more complete review of the arguments for and against the proposal, members may visit