
Exhibitors: Don't Have New Product? Enter a Featured Product


  new products
  Ideas Alive: Featuring the New Products Showcase is a leading destination for SEMA Show buyers and media to learn what’s new and to make contacts for future business.

One of the primary reasons that buyers and media attend the SEMA Show is to learn what’s new and to make contacts for future business. Ideas Alive: Featuring the New Products Showcase, is a leading destination on both counts. Newly located at the east end of upper South Hall, Ideas Alive is a 25,000-sq.-ft. flurry of activity from 8:00 a.m. to the close of the hall every day of the Show featuring the best of the best and the newest of the new.

The New Products feature area is so popular that SEMA has developed an additional opportunity for any exhibitor regardless of whether their product is "new" this year. Now a company can simply submit any product that is indicative of the kind of work the company does. This new area, dubbed "Featured Products," is located adjacent to the New Products Showcase in Ideas Alive.

Electronic scanners are provided to make it easy for buyers and media to capture your company's product information and have it conveniently e-mailed to them or printed right there at the Show. 

Exhibitors may enter products in either area, though, only the first entry is free. Additional entries are only $75 per product category if received by October 7; after that, the fee is $150 per product category. Entries submitted on site will be accepted based on space availability.

New Product and/or Featured Product entries can be submitted online. For Featured Products, simply select "Featured Product" as the category.

All new products will also be included in SEMA's annual New Products Awards competition recognizing the advancement and innovation of the industry's latest offerings. Awards from each category are presented at the very popular New Products Breakfast, to be held Tuesday, November 1, from 7:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m. at the Las Vegas Hilton.

While Featured Products are not eligible for judging, they still benefit from concentrated buyer and media attention creating a terrific opportunity to promote your company in the highly trafficked Ideas Alive section of the Show.

Questions? Please contact Sheldon Kaye or call 702/450-7662, ext. 124.