
North Carolina Bill to Inform Consumers of Ethanol Content in Gasoline Signed into Law

Legislation requiring ethanol content labels on all pumps that dispense ethanol-blended gasoline has been signed into law by North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue. The new law requires these labels to indicate that the gasoline contains 10% or less ethanol or greater than 10% ethanol. Previously, retailers operating pumps dispensing ethanol-blended gasoline were not required to post labels regarding ethanol content. Many products on the market, including older cars, special-interest collector vehicles and historic vehicles, use materials that are incompatible with ethanol. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been urged by SEMA and other organizations to create national labeling requirements for ethanol-blended gasoline that are placed as close as possible to the pump’s product-selection mechanism, but since such requirements are not currently in place, vehicle owners must rely on state labeling requirements for information about the gasoline they use in their vehicles. 

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