
Missing Your SEMA Membership Directory? Here It Comes!

Membership Directory
The 2011 SEMA Membership Directory is currently being produced and will be released on May 2, 2011.

The 2011 SEMA Membership Directory is currently being produced and will be released on May 2, 2011. The Directory will be included with the May issue of SEMA News—the association's trade magazine.

The 2011 SEMA Membership Directory contains contact information and company descriptions for all SEMA members. In addition to company listings, the directory is a valuable year-round resource that can also be used as a reference for available SEMA benefits and department contact information.

As an added benefit, the 2011 SEMA Membership Directory will also be available in digital format online, making it easier to find industry contacts whether you're at home or at the shop.

For more information on the directory, contact

Opportunity to Expand Your Brand

Don't miss your last chance to promote your automotive products and services to our entire SEMA member audience by advertising in the 2011 SEMA Membership Directory!

Every member company will be listed in this informative publication, while paid advertisers will receive "enhanced" listings to further create attention for your company. This enhanced listing will include:

  • Featured status on the online index
  • Print promotions in SEMA News
  • Print promotion in SEMA Show Directory
  • Print promotion in SEMA Show Pocket Guide
  • SEMA Show on-site sign package will include one meter panel in each hall

This directory will be bound into the May 2011 issue of SEMA News and will reach more than 18,000 with the printed format and more than 160,000 through online exposure.

Reserve your ad today by contacting Joe at Motor Media, 818/248-4449 or e-mail