
California Revises Smog-Check Program

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed into law a bill to revamp California’s smog-check program. No earlier than January 1, 2013, smog-check stations will be required to measure the emissions of model year ’00 and newer vehicles using onboard diagnostic testing. Current California smog-testing procedures require loaded mode dynamometer or two-speed idle testing, depending on where the vehicle is registered. The new law also directs that a procedure be developed for testing vehicles that are not able to be tested through an onboard diagnostic computer system.

This procedure for the testing of vehicles that present prohibitive or unusual inspection circumstances involves the vehicle owner presenting the vehicle for inspection at a referee station. The visual inspection will remain a component of California smog checks. Included in the bill are provisions for greater oversight of inspection stations, including providing for increased penalty fees for violations of ARB-mandated smog-check procedures.

For more information, contact Ashley Ailsworth at