Don't Wait Until the SEMA Show to Make Quality Connections

Show Floor Where Buyer and Exhibitor Connect
There are more than 1,800 exhibitors and more than 80 educational sessions taking place during the 2010 SEMA Show—don't panic, plan it. Attendees can use SEMA Show Planner to fine tune their four-day schedule with the perfect mix of must-see exhibitors and can't-miss educational programs.
In 19 days, the doors to the Las Vegas Convention Center will open and the 2010 SEMA Show will officially begin. There's no reason, however, to wait until the doors open to make quality connections. My Show Planner is ready to help attendees, allowing users to fine-tune their four-day schedule with the perfect mix of must-see exhibitors and can't-miss educational programs. Here's how it works—start by clicking on the SEMA Show Planner link located on and then click "Login." Create an account if you haven't already by entering your contact information, and your My Show Planner is ready to be customized. At this point, you want to book the educational programs you're going to attend and you can browse through them by session, track, speaker or schedule at-a-glance. Next to the title of each education session is a box you can check if you want to attend the event.

As you continue selecting events to add to your schedule, you can click "View My Calendar" to see the blueprint of your SEMA Show week. You also have the option of clicking on the calendar icon next to the event, which then downloads the event directly into your Outlook Calendar. Your schedule can fill up quickly, but fortunately My Show Planner will warn you if you are booking a session that conflicts with a session already on your schedule. Identifying those conflicts early ensures that attendees can make alternate arrangements with co-workers and colleagues and avoid on-site scheduling challenges.

Now that you have a basic time-table sketched out, it's time to identify the exhibitors that you want to meet with during Show week. Start by pointing your browser to and scroll down under the Exhibitor heading to "Exhibitor List/Floorplan." This link will take you to a digital version of the floorplan as well as an index of exhibitors you can access by clicking the link marked, "Click here to view complete exhibitor list." As you scroll through the list, check the box next to each exhibitor that you want to connect with at the Show; take note of the symbols identifying exhibitors that are at SEMA for the first-time, displaying a product in the New Products Showcase or designated as featured exhibitors.

Now it's time to weld together the two components of your schedule and print out your customized "To-Do List" for the 2010 SEMA Show. Point your browser to and select SEMA Show Planner. Once inside the Planner, click on "View My Calendar." You will be looking at the schedule of educational events that you created earlier. Click on the icon at the top right-hand corner of the schedule that says "Print-Friendly Version." This will take you to a black-and-white version of your schedule, complete with all your educational sessions listed in order by date and time, followed by an alphabetical list of exhibitors that you selected.

Think of the My Show Planner account as your personal assistant; so for the next two weeks, as you take calls and receive e-mails inviting you to visit a booth or to attend an event, make sure you keep your assistant in the loop. There are more than 1,800 exhibitors and more than 80 educational sessions taking place during the 2010 SEMA Show; the sheer scope of the event can be overwhelming. Don't panic—plan it. Establishing the connections you want to make with exhibitors and industry experts today will ensure the highest possible return on your 2010 SEMA Show investment.