Exhibitors: Have Your SEMA Badges Mailed to You

  With the 2010 SEMA Show right around the corner, exhibitors can have their badges mailed to them before arriving in Las Vegas.
The 2010 SEMA Show, being held in Las Vegas November 2–5, is just 40 days away! Register now, and get your SEMA exhibitor badges mailed to you. Click here to access the exhibitor registration page online. Find your company in the SEMA exhibitor list drop-down menu and enter your exhibitor ID number.

The last day for international exhibitors to have their badges mailed is September 24. The last day for domestic exhibitors is October 12.

While on your exhibitor dashboard, you can add SEMA sessions and order your lead-retrieval unit and attendee lists.

If you have questions or need your password, please e-mail CStock@ConvExx.com.