
Cast Your Vote for SEMA PAC

This year’s mid-term elections are the most anticipated in recent memory. Last week, SEMA provided a complete list of voter registration/absentee ballot forms for all 50 states (click here to find your state and to vote early). We also encourage SEMA members to become engaged by supporting SEMA Political Action Committee (PAC). This election stands to be one of the most important in many years with the potential to deliver historic results. The balance of power in Washington is currently in question, and without the active participation of SEMA members, our industry will miss the opportunity to raise our voice and make a noticeable impact.

Help us spread the word to other SEMA members about SEMA PAC and the vital role it plays in protecting our industry from unfair laws and regulation. In response, all SEMA members should take action. SEMA PAC provides the opportunity for all members to become active and aggressive about supporting the lawmakers who support our industry. Turn your industry passion into action and become PAC-approved today.

The new SEMA PAC website,, makes it easy for industry members to quickly become “PAC-approved”—an authorization form required by federal law that allows SEMA to share information about the PAC—and to make online, secure contributions. We encourage all members to visit the new site, become PAC-Approved, and learn how SEMA PAC is protecting your future. For more information, please contact Dan Sadowski at

SEMA PAC –Your industry. Your voice. Your Future.