
SEI Manufacturer Product Library—The One-Stop Info Shop to Close the Sale at the Counter

Join SEMA’s Manufacturer Product Library (MPL) to take advantage of a no-cost resource that will promote your brand and your products.

What Is it?

Located at, the MPL is a repository of manufacturers’ marketing, product and training material. Presented in a searchable database, the MPL will help the retailers/resellers become more familiar with your product and brand while giving them the tools they need to close the sale immediately. Examples of marketing materials include product-demonstration videos, warranty information, product images, sales brochures and installation instructions and others.

What's the Cost?

SEMA-member manufacturers can participate in this program at no charge.

What’s the Benefit?

Reach a greater number of jobbers, warehouse distributors and enthusiasts through this online product-information program. Reduce your printed material costs by uploading your marketing and support materials to the library. Get the information quickly to the people who need it the most and help them close sales on your products faster!

Contact SEI at 913/851-3355 or to get started today.