
SEMA Launches Aggressive Outreach to More Than 100,000 Buyers

 SEMA Show Buyer Brochure
 SEMA's unprecendented buyer outreach includes a 16-page brochure detailing Show benefits to more than 100,000 buyers.

SEMA has launched an unprecedented push to reach new, potential buyers for the 2009 SEMA Show. More than 100,000 buyers are receiving a comprehensive 16-page brochure highlighting the Show's business, educational and networking benefits.

The brochure includes a comprehensive breakdown of all 11 Show sections, including key exhibitors and free educational seminars of possible interest to various buyer categories. A complete guide to all educational events and seminars, as well as Show events including the SEMA Keynote, New Products Awards Breakfast and the Industry Awards Reception and Banquet, is also included.

Finally, important details on travel savings, including the SEMA Buyer Bus Program, and airfare, hotel and car rental discounts assure that buyers know exactly where to find savings during this vital industry event.   

View the complete digital edition of the brochure here. And for further information on the 2009 SEMA Show, click here