
Free New Product Promotion in SEMA News Magazine

 SEMA News Sept. 2008
 The annual October issue of SEMA News is your first look at the new products and happenings planned for the 2009 SEMA Show.

Attention SEMA Exhibitors! Planning to make a big announcement at the 2009 SEMA Show? Are you introducing an industry-changing new product? If so, we want to know about it. SEMA News is offering a sneak peek of industry news and introductions planned for the 2009 SEMA Show November 3–6 in Las Vegas.

If you are exhibiting at the 2009 SEMA Show, send us your industry announcement and/or new product press release, and we’ll include it in the special SEMA Show Preview section of SEMA News. Releases will be featured in the October issue, which begins arriving in mailboxes during the second week of September.

In addition to the exposure your announcement will receive from the qualified industry leaders who receive the print version of the magazine, the digital edition of the magazine is sent to more than 150,000 targeted members of the industry.

Please send releases and images (300dpi JPEG) to by Friday, August 21. Be sure to include any relevant contact information, as well as your SEMA Show booth number. Announcements will be featured on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited so get yours in early!