
SEMA Show Exhibitors Demonstrate Increased Optimism

 SEMA Show showfloor
 One out of every 10 SEMA Show exhibitors secured larger booths than planned in this year's priority space selection.

More than 10% of 2009 SEMA Show exhibitors booked larger booth space than planned, according to Show officials. Of the nearly 1,400 companies that participated in the priority booth selection process in early June, 12% secured more space than they originally intended.

"Given the state of the economy, we are extremely pleased with the value our industry has placed on the Show," said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA vice president of events and communications. MacGillivray also notes that the association has introduced several programs and incentives to make exhibiting at the SEMA Show more cost-effective and result in higher returns.

"Exhibitors have really responded to offers such as the extended payment plan and guaranteed leads program," MacGillivray said. "The idea is to make it possible for exhibitors to do more with less."

K&N Engineering is one such company planning a larger presence.

“K&N has been an active participant at SEMA for decades, but 2009 will represent our largest level of participation ever,” said K&N Vice President Tim Martin. “There is simply no better place for K&N to educate people about our products and marketing programs."

The SEMA Show is a trade-only event open only to qualified industry professionals. Exhibit space will continue to be assigned as contracts are received. Details and registration forms can be found at, along with registration for attendees.